410 451-1625 yoga@croftonyoga.com

Have you ever experienced??????

  • Depression 
  • Anxiety 
  • ‘Imposter syndrome’ 
  • Compared yourself with someone else 
  • Struggling with your situation as a result of the pandemic
  • Feeling disconnected from nature or your community
  • Feeling helpless in the face of overwhelming negative news
  • Nothing you do makes a difference

If I were a betting person I would wager to say most of you reading this have said yes to one or more of the statements above.  

As we head into this week I encourage you to remember, you are a divine being and your life matters! 

In yoga philosophy, this list of feelings/emotions/situations would be considered waves. Yoga teaches us to ride the waves of emotion and remember you are the ocean, not the wave. Waves come and go the ocean remains.

You have purpose and can touch other’s lives, no matter how small the gesture. 

One tree can start a forest, 
One smile can begin a friendship 

One hand can lift a soul 
One word can frame the goal, 
One candle can wipe out darkness, 
One laugh can conquer gloom. 
One hope can raise your spirits 
One touch can show you care 
One Life can make a difference 
Be that ONE today! 
You see, it’s up to you! ~ Author Unknown.

Our Mindfulhealing Solution this week is to ride the waves of emotion and see the beauty and magnificence of the small things all around you. 

Wishing you a GREAT week on PURPOSE!

Jai Bhagwan, Namaste, 

Steve & Kim