410 451-1625 yoga@croftonyoga.com

“Within you, there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”

– Hermann Hesse

“Trick” to calm the body~

Welcome to Fall! We hope that everyone is doing well. Halloween is quickly approaching and to honor the season we are offering you a “trick” for calming the body.  Next week we will offer you a “treat” for helping yourself. 

Let’s be honest. We live in a very fast-paced world these days, one that seems to have just about everyone stressed at one time or another. The problem with being too stressed too often is that it takes a toll on us mentally, physically, and emotionally… to the point where we are vulnerable to illness.

Today we are going to use an energy medicine technique to help us calm down our bodies. Practice this technique often and you may find that you can calm the body on demand.     Click here for the video

Relaxation technique Steps~ (we recommend washing your hands first)

1) Rub your palms together vigorously for 30 seconds and then shake your hands gently.

2) Take the palms of the hands, place them over the eyes. Then lightly glide palms over eyes from the nose out toward the ears.

3) Let palms rest on the side of the temples and make three circles clockwise and three circles counterclockwise.

4) Let the palms and fingers press the scalp over and around the ear. Trace your ear with your hand.

5) Let the palms slide from the bottom of the ear, down the side of your neck to your collar bone, and finish with your hands over your heart.

Do this whole sequence 3 times.

Try to do this technique at least 2 to 3 times a day to “trick” your mind and body to calm down and relax. 

As part of our Crofton Yoga community, we wish each and every member bountiful health, joy, and happiness. Remember to make it a great day on purpose.

Steven D. Smith, M.Ed, M.Ac., L.Ac
