410 451-1625 yoga@croftonyoga.com

Thought for the week ~ “Reconnecting with one’s breathing is the first step in the direction of self-healing and self-realization ”   ~ Dr. Peter M. Litchfield

Springtime + high pollen count = sinus, facial pain, and pressure.   Yes, it is that time of the year again.  I woke up to an alert on the phone saying pollen count is medium in my area today.   From pain in the face to having a loss of smell, sinus issues can be very distracting and make you feel pretty awful.

Here are a few things to try to naturally relieve facial pain and pressure~

  • Take a hot shower, add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to the bottom of the shower.
  • The nose is the body’s air filter, keep it clear with sinus rinse, neti pot, or navage.  (see more here from WebMD)  I love the Navage and use it daily
  • Sinus massage to relieve pain and pressure helps promote drainage from the sinuses and ease congestion, and all you need for this home remedy are your fingers. Here is a video to try.
  • Did you know acupuncture can help treat all forms of sinusitis? Acupuncture provides anti-inflammatory effects on the body, that help reduce the inflammation in the sinus cavities and decrease pain levels.  Acupuncture can help with the existing congestion and strengthen the immune system.

Contact us online for more information or schedule an appointment by calling  3015246170 to get sinusitis relief with acupuncture today!

Wishing you a GREAT week on PURPOSE!
Jai Bhagwan, Namaste,