410 451-1625 yoga@croftonyoga.com



Ear Seeds : Ear seeds are seeds placed on your ear to serve as tiny acupressure devices. They’re a type of auriculotherapy, a traditional Chinese medicine technique that focuses on areas in your ear. They’re thought to promote comfort and relaxation.

5 Element : The tradition of Five Element acupuncture is based on the understanding of this cyclical flow of vital energy – also known as Qi. Each of the Five Elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water – represents a distinct quality of the Qi energy that is vital to the continual health and flow of nature

Electroacupuncture :  Electroacupuncture is closely related to acupuncture, but it involves stimulating two needles with an electrical current.

Stress & Emotional Balance : With a strong treatment focus on the connection between emotions, stress, trauma, and physical pain, acupuncture effectively addresses general health, emotional, and psychiatric concerns

Pain Management : The ancient art of acupuncture has been used in Asia for centuries to treat many conditions and relieve pain. It’s now being used in the United States and other Western countries to ease everything from low back pain, to nerve pain (such as painful shingles rashes), to headaches, fibromyalgia, and menstrual cramps — and more

TCM : Acupuncture is part of the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe the human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by pathways or meridians

Trigger Points : Acupuncture uses a tiny needle that allows access to muscles without causing excessive muscle tears and bruising, and quickly releases the trigger point.

Japanese Meridian Therapy : Meridian Therapy is the representative style of Japanese acupuncture based on traditional Chinese concepts.

Gua Sha : Gua sha is a very standard kind of treatment modality that most acupuncturists will use. Its meaning loosely translates to ‘scraping, rubbing, or pushing.’ Essentially, gua sha is just a tool-assisted type of massage

Cupping : Cupping is a type of alternative therapy that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. This suction is thought to improve the flow of energy in the body and facilitate healing.

Moxibustion : Moxibustion is used for pain due to injury or arthritis, especially in “cold” patterns where the pain naturally feels better with the application of heat. Digestive problems and irregular elimination. Gynecological and obstetrical conditions, including breech presentation in late-term pregnancy.

Classical Acupuncture : Classical acupuncture differs from modern acupuncture i.e. traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in theory, diagnosis, and treatment methods. One of the main differences between classical and TCM acupuncture is that classical practice utilizes channel theory and diagnosis as opposed to point function.

Balance Method : The balance method aims to decrease immediately the pain felt by a patient. Japanese acupuncture evaluates also the response to root treatment by checking improvement of the radial pulse, meridians’ palpatory changes, or abdominal qualities